VIDEO: Women’s World Football Games Featured by NFL Films Presents

NFL Films Presents recently released a segment on the Women’s World Football Games, which aired on FS1.
The piece explores the landscape of women’s football, an often-overlooked but growing aspect of America’s game.
It examines how women across the world continue to shatter the myth that football is only for men.
“The game itself, both brutal and beautiful, requires toughness and grace, passion and skill. If you think it’s only a man’s game, well, you’re sadly mistaken,” the film narrator says at the start of the piece.
Though the role of women in football is growing at every level, NFL Films Presents focuses on the Women’s World Football Games, the third-annual, six-day event in March, hosted by the New Orleans Saints, which featured 224 women from 17 different countries.
Link to original story by Steve Spiewak, USA Football.
Stereotypes about football aren’t the only ones being shattered by events like the Women’s World Football Games. Conventional images of women are also challenged by females playing football.
“Society has this one way that women are supposed to be, and football is the exact opposite,” said Liz Sowers, a women’s tackle football player and member of the U.S. National Women’s Flag Team.
Women’s tackle football might be in its infancy, especially relative to the popularity that its male counterpart enjoys. But the future looks promising.
“This is just the beginning,” said Odessa Jenkins, a U.S. National Team alum.
Watch the segment in the video below.