The biggest NFL markets outside North America

The saying may be that nothing’s as American as baseball, hot dogs and apple pie, but we all know that football should really be on that list. It truly is one of America’s great pastimes and a sport that is instantly recognizable as American.
Heck, the rest of the world even calls it American football!
The NFL dominates professional football in the States and it is also the best-known American football league around the world. This makes sense, as the NFL has the resources to hire the best players and the most talented coaches.
Enjoying the NFL can also mean enjoying betting on the games. In some countries where sports betting has been less tightly legislated, it has long been a popular way to feel more involved in the game – it makes you feel connected to the action, even if the game is thousands of miles away.
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Some critics still see American football as a sport that’s only enjoyed by people living in the USA, Canada and Mexico. This article will look at which countries outside of North America have the biggest NFL markets.
The United Kingdom
The British love for sports is intense and passionate. The United Kingdom is mainly associated with soccer, rugby and cricket. In recent years, the interest in American football has grown throughout the country. There is now a major NFL market there.
The NFL International Series London Games have played a significant role in increasing the fanbase. Every year since 2007, between one and four NFL games have been held at one of the major soccer stadiums in London. Nearly all of these games attracted over 80,000 fans.
Being able to see a game in person can hugely impact whether or not someone becomes a fan of a sport. These London Games have allowed British fans to have that special opportunity.
There has also been talk in recent years of expanding the NFL by creating a London franchise. One option that has been widely discussed would be to relocate the Jacksonville Jaguars. Whether they get the Jaguars or a brand-new team, this shows just how much the British love American football.
German interest in the NFL has been huge since the 1990s. They had five teams in the now-defunct NFL Europe league, which existed from 1991 to 2007. Nowadays, many young German players come to the US to play college football.
There are currently three German-born players in the NFL. David Bada, Jakob Johnson and Vyncint Smith have all captured attention in Germany and are inspiring young hopefuls to consider a career in football.
The NFL is currently working to establish an International Series in Germany like the one in the UK. Three cities – Dusseldorf, Frankfurt and Munich – have petitioned to host the games. Germany could be hosting its own NFL games as early as 2022.
The popularity of the NFL in Brazil has been slowly and steadily growing over the years. It is currently overtaking that of other sports like Formula One and volleyball. Being able to watch the games on television, with the expansion of cable, has really helped.
One of the most unusual things about the history of American football in Brazil is that it used to be played on sand instead of grass. Since both volleyball and soccer are generally played on sand, this makes some sense. It is still very confusing for American fans to see!
South Korea
When considering Asia, South Korea has the biggest NFL market. This is a relatively new development. Up until the early 2000s, there was little interest in American football in the country. In 2006, that all changed with Hines Ward’s visit.
Ward, who was born in South Korea but raised in America, played for the Pittsburgh Steelers from 1998 to 2011. He visited Seoul in 2006 and began a program that works at overcoming prejudices and inspiring children to follow their dreams. His visit introduced many South Koreans to the NFL.
American football is now so popular that there is a South Korean National Football League. This league is comprised of seven teams. Three of the teams are based in Seoul but the rest are spread throughout the country.
It could be that one of the reasons that Australians love American football is that Australian football is just a bit too bizarre and complicated for most casual sports fans to really enjoy. It also helps that NFL games on ESPN can be watched in Australia.
Alongside their Australian football teams, Australia also has a large number of American football teams, with several thousand registered players. Just like in Germany, some of the popularity of American football is due to the presence of Australian players in the NFL.
Many of these players started out playing rugby then jumped to American football. Talents like Ben Graham, Sav Rocca and Jarryd Hayne all brought new fans to the game when they made the transition to the NFL.
American football is a sport that will only continue to grow in popularity as the games become easier to watch on television or online. It could be that a worldwide NFL expansion is on the horizon – we’ll have to wait and see.