Swedish Season Kicks Off This Weekend: Who Will Topple the Carlstad Crusaders?

[tps_title]PREVIEW: Svenska Amerikansk Fotbollförbundet[/tps_title]
[tps_header]Tyresö Royal Crowns[/tps_header]
The Tyresö Royal Crowns suffered through a disappointing season in 2014. Tabbed as a possible successor to the Carlstad Crusaders as Swedish title holder, they were bounced in the semi-finals by the Black Knights, again.
New head coach, Andreas Ehrenreich, and his nine man staff are determined to develop into a contender this year. They have had a busy off season, perhaps their busiest ever.
After the departure of starting quarterback Billy Greene to France, Tyresö turned their sights on Colby Kirkegaard, a two-year starter at the University of Wyoming with impressive stats. Add to this the addition of top flight receiver from the Carlstad Crusaders, Fredrik Isaksson, along with Amat Jobe (Uppsala 86ers), Carl Kamm and the Royal Crown’s offense will not lose a beat. Emil Knutsson will see more action at running back along with running mate Joseph Saker, along with Richard Ahlenius and fullback Erik Beck.
The offensive line will have quality if not depth. Led by Pablo Valenzuela and Adriano Abbate, they will protect Kirkegaard and open holes for Knutsson and company. But injuries will hurt as there is not much behind the starters.
Returning on defense will be Noghor Jemide, Victor Hagman and Andreas Jonsson along with Finnish big player Okko Outinen and defensive lineman Benjamin Banks Egbudiwe who previously played at the University of San Francisco.
The secondary returns with hard-hitting Philip Minja while import linebacker Andrew Preston will also be back.
The Royal Crowns could prove this year that they can play with the Crusaders and challenge for the Swedish crown.