PREVIEW: Serbia’s American Football League (SAAF) Kicks Off 2015

[tps_title]2015 Serbian Preview[/tps_title]
[tps_header]Indjija Indians[/tps_header]
In their first season in the elite Serbian Division last year, the Indjija Indians survived with a record of 2-5, but this year they do not want that kind of stress. So the Indians’ management did good job by signing James Fayed III an American coach, who has had great experience in football coaching and scouting all over the world (NFL, Arena Football, Europe, CFL).
He will try to help the Indians to change their way of thinking and playing. Satisfied with his offensive line, the two running backs with extraordinary speed, a dual threat quarterback and an offensively-oriented defensive squad, Fayed is looking for more wins in next season.
The Indians signed quarterback Charles Babb from the USA and three players from Australia: running back Troy Wykes, defensive lineman Jordy Kickett and linebacker Scott Savage. With young and very talented Serbian players and with year’s experience behind them in the elite Serbian division, the Indians are counting on a better year in 2015.