PREVIEW: Serbia’s American Football League (SAAF) Kicks Off 2015

[tps_title]2015 Serbian Preview[/tps_title]
[tps_header]Pancevo Panthers[/tps_header]
For the first time in team history, the Pancevo Panthers have signed a American head coach.
Cory Hoopingarner is young and talented, and he declared when he arrived: “I intend to win the Serbian Bowl”.
The Panthers finished last season in fifth place, with a record of 3-4 and that is something that does not fulfill their ambitions. They are stronger after signing imports Sean Frezell (quarterback) from the semi-pro team the Alameda Country Knights, and defensive back Timothy Bishop, who also played semi-pro football, for the DMV Jaguars (AFCA).
Coach Hoopingarner will have Bojan Milic and Predrag Durlic Vujic, as assistants with experience from the Serbian national team.
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