The ONFA: Organización Nicaragüense de Football Americano and the LNFA: Liga Nicaraguense de Football Americano didn’t let the COVID-19 pandemic stop the Momotombo Bowl II 2020. Five teams are fueling the weekly calendar games that are being played in the city of Masaya at the Complejo Deportivo Y Recreativo El Corozal.
Sunday, October 25th – Game #1 Week 1 – Toros 16 – Leones 14
Leones: Harold Sosa #33 Touchdown 6 points; Christopher Flores #18 Conversion 2 points; Johnny Rodriguez #28 Touchdown 6 points.
Leones of Managua were back on the field with a strong showing in their first game after a three year hiatus.
Toros: WR Jose Cruz #88 Touchdown 6 points; QB Meldrick Meléndez #16 Conversion 2 points; WR Jose Cruz #88 Touchdown 6 points; WR-CB Christopher Rocha #82 Conversion 2 points.
Toros de Masaya star players of Game Week 1. Offensive Meldrick Meléndez #16 – Defensive Jean Moraga #74
Sunday, October 25th – Game #2 Week 1 – Lobos 38 – Bufalos del Sur 0
Lobos of Nicaragua
Lobos WR Luis Quintero #0 scored 2 TDs
Lobos TE Maynor Espinoza #89 caught 2 TD passes
Bufalos del Sur
Being the Head Coach of Lobos is a great challenge. The game changes from year to year and we have to be updated. 2020 is a year with many challenges and opportunities. As a team we feel fortunate to have the opportunity to start a new season; even though we all are afraid of the Covid-19.
Full LNFA schedule
The LNFA today has taken a very important step by betting on the reactivation with responsibility, in consideration of the pandemic. Taking into account all the protocols for the safety of our athletes.Our objective is to provide a competition scheme and space for participation of all teams that today have emerged in 3 different categories, having an exponential growth in the number of active athletes throughout the country.The projection is for growth and the objective is focused on keeping the league active in the American Football and Flag Football. Setting the goal of starting in 2021 with the incorporation of the first league of Flag Football for children (ages 10 to 12) who will be the generational replacement of our organization.
ONFA is committed to the organized development of American Football, that’s why their coaches are completing a course to get the Coach certification and the Officials are receiving training.
BUFALOS del Sur:
LEONES de Managua:
LOBOS Football:
TOROS de Masaya:
Iron WOLVES: An active team however not participating in the 2020 calendar.