IFAF holding first “unified” Congress in three years

The International Federation of American Football is holding its first “unified” Congress since 2015 following the CAS ruling earlier this year naming Richard MacLean as the true president of IFAF.
The turmoil of the past three years will hopefully be put behind the global football community with this Congress which is being held in Panama in conjunction with the 2018 IFAF Flag Football World Championship.
Almost 30 countries are expected to attend with key issues to be discussed including the election of continental representatives.
The last time a “unified” Congress was held, former president Tommy Wiking and a number of nations walked out in a protest, forming their own separate body, causing major upheaval in the international football world for almost three years.
This congress in Panama is the first return to normalcy within IFAF since then.
Statement from the President of IFAF, Richard MacLean:
I would like to take the opportunity to w elcome all attendees to the 2018 Congress and thank, on behalf of the Executive Board, all those
connected w ith the federation here in Panama w ho have w orked tirelessly to deliver this Congress and the World Flag Football Championship.
Earlier this year the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) rendered their final judgement in the dispute w hich has caused irrevocable damage to the
perception of our federation. The Executive Board and I are grateful for the support w hich w e received throughout this process – both financial
and moral.
The aw ard presents us w ith both challenges and opportunities. We have started to rebuild IFAF’s relationships w ith a series of stakeholders and
address outstanding issues w hich have resulted from people acting in IFAF’s name. The implications of these issues, particularly financial, w ill
have long-term implications for our federation. How ever, w e are now presented w ith a unique opportunity to define our federation’s future.
We have already updated our Statutes and review ed many of our policies and procedures, giving us a strong footing. Now , w e, through
consultation w ith our members and our stakeholders, can set new goals for IFAF and establish pathw ays to achieve these, marking the w ay w ith
appropriate milestones.
This Congress gives us the opportunity to share ideas w hich can, over the coming months, be shaped by further consultation, and become
central to our 2019-2023 IFAF Strategy.
Congress Agenda
Congress opens at 08.30.
Roll call of attendees and declaration of calling of Congress. .
Opening Speech from the President of AFFP.
Opening Speech of the President of IFAF.
1. Appointment of Scrutineers
2. Appointment of three delegates to w hom the Minutes must be
submitted to for checking before dispatch to the Members
3. Approval of the Minutes from the preceding Congress.
4. Report of the Executive Board covering the period of the last year.
5. Vote on the approval of the Executive Board’s report covering the last
6. Presentation of the latest financial statement and appointment of
7. Vote on the approval of the Financial Report.
8. Submission of the Budget and the Plan of Action for the upcoming
financial year proposed by the Executive Board
9. Vote on the approval of the Budget and the Plan of Action.
10. Membership of Nations – confirmation of status
11. Vote on any proposal sent according to the Statutes and proposals
by the Executive Board.
12. Election of Executive Board members – Continental, (in accordance
w ith the Statutes). Africa. Americas. Asia. Europe. Oceania.
13. Any Other Business.
14. Presentation by host nation of 2019 World Championship Host nation.
15. Congress 2019 announcement
16. Closure of Congress.