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How Popular Is American Football in Europe

Liking something, we’re interested in whether what we like is popular in the rest of the world. And many fans of American football want to clarify the question about this sport’s popularity in Europe. Sometimes it’s surprising to learn what Europeans think about American Football, what they think about the NFL. We’ll help you get clarification on such questions. So let’s dip into it!

Is It Popular in Europe?

The answer is that American football isn’t very popular in Europe. People from this part of the world prefer soccer or rugby rather than the type of sport that North Americans like. But we also should add that American football is gaining popularity in Europe. It means that more and more people are interested in this type of sport. Employers complete all their tasks on their work; students look for an paper writing service, for example, write my paper for me or other services. They delegate their paper assignments and spend time watching American football.

Also, American football is the most popular North American sport in Europe.

What Do Europeans Think About American Football?

Many websites give us controversial answers. Therefore, it makes sense to ask people on Reddit or Quora or talk with them in real life. Information that you’ll see in this section of the article is based on other people’s words. So let’s dive in.

This Game Requires Lots of Gear

To play American football, people have to buy gear. You have to spend your money on:

European people resent buying such equipment.

It’s Similar to Rugby

Some Europeans prefer rugby because this game is similar to American football. Also, they like rugby more because it doesn’t stop every ten seconds, while in American football, games can be interrupted for a foul more often than once every five minutes or so.

Its Rules are Too Difficult

Many Europeans believe that the rules of such a North American game are too difficult. In addition, they just don’t understand this game. Hence, some of them make fun of American football.

This Game is Boring

Also, Europeans are sure that this game is boring. They call American football the slowest sport in the world. Some of them can’t watch the full game, only its fragments. This is because ‘there’s a lot of standing around doing nothing.’ Some of them even say that it’s more interesting to watch how paint is drying.

Europeans like games when all players are engaged during the whole process. Therefore, they prefer their own football.

Many Players Don’t Touch the Ball During the Game

In soccer, you need to run fast, be nimble-footed. But things go in another way when it comes to American football. This is because many players don’t touch the ball during the game. It overwhelms Europeans, as they consider football as a game where every player touches the ball.

This Game Isn’t the Best Solution If It’s Hot or Cold

Likewise, Europeans think that playing this game isn’t a good idea when it’s too hot or cold. This is because this game isn’t continuous — it’s a series of short plays. As a result, you overheat when playing if it’s hot and freeze between plays when it’s cold.

Additionally, this kind of sport is uncomfortable to play when it is wet, as you don’t get traction.

But It’s Gaining Popularity

Although many Europeans think that this game is the slowest and the most boring event in the world, interest in such a North American sport is increasing. We can ensure that by exploring Statista, the website that provides users with different statistics, including sports.

We can see that German people want to watch American football matches more. For example, in 2014, only 1.53 million Germans were interested in American football. But let’s see the year 2020. 2.44 million people who live in Germany are fond of this game and prefer to watch it.


Nine million Americans would like to live abroad, and 1.5 million — in Europe. Some Americans go to Europe and organize local teams of North American sport. As a result, American cultural pursuits are spreading around the world. And it’s clear that the more Americans are in Europe, the more popular this type of sport is in this region.

Governance Organizations

Countries in Europe care about migrants. Hence, they can play their favorite kinds of sport. For example, Germany has a governing body for American football. Maybe it’s one of the reasons why this type of sport is gaining more popularity in Germany than in other European countries.

The Bottom Line

As you see, most Europeans don’t understand the essence of American football. But there is no point in getting upset because many matches are shown on the TV, and more and more people start to realize that such a type of North American sport seems to be interesting. Therefore, we can watch the process of how American football is promoted in Europe.

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