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Caffeine in Sport: Health Advantages and Disadvantages for American Football Player

Your favorite morning cup of coffee offers many health benefits. It can improve your mental functioning, decrease fatigue, and according to a paper published by the Radiological Society of North America in 2005, caffeine can speed up your reaction time and improve short-term memory.

The latest findings indicate that caffeine can also help an American football player, and in fact, all athletes. So, think again before you go for an expensive powder, pill, or supplement. Coffer may be able to do the same work as long as you drink it without sugar and cream.

Researchers have revealed that doses of caffeine between 3-13 mg for each kilogram of the body weight can both prolong and enhance exercise performance. It works by blocking the brain’s adenosine receptors, thereby increasing the levels of noradrenaline and dopamine, which lead to performance-boosting benefits. Modern science has also revealed that caffeine can lower the feelings of fatigue, pain, makes the mind sharper, and helps us focus better.

So if you are a keen follower of American football teams and want to play NFL games and the Super Bowl someday, then you don’t have to worry about drinks containing caffeine. Moderate your daily caffeine intake and everything should be good.

Benefits of Caffeine Intake for Pro Football Players

Here are some ways caffeine can help a professional football player –

However, remember, even a small dose can have a big effect on people who are sensitive to caffeine. Іf you use Nespresso pods from frequently at home and you also like to MFC with friends, then  keep a tab on your consumption. Watch out for its effects on your body.

Besides, caffeine will help your body use its fat reserve instead of the sugar or muscle glycogen during long workout sessions. Researchers have also revealed that athletes who drink caffeine feel less fatigued while working out.

Drinking just a cup before exercise can help football players in the United States who tend to give up during the workout session. There is a buildup of lactic acid in the body, which causes pain and makes the muscles feel stressed. This leads to discomfort. As an athlete or pro football player, you can avoid this by drinking a cup before exercising.


Not just young people, it seems to help even older adults. One study has revealed that caffeine may arrest the progress of age-related mental issues. Researchers examined caffeine’s effect on the brain’s prefrontal lobe, which is responsible for planning, concentration, and attention span. The study concluded by noting that daily caffeine intake had a positive effect on the prefrontal lobe, thereby improving these functions. Tests carried out on athletes have also revealed improved concentration levels before intense training.

A study was carried out to find out caffeine’s cognitive effects on athletes. The researchers discovered that athletes who consumed caffeine before a session of intense fitness training were able to concentrate better during their exercise. It works by blocking the neurotransmitter adenosine receptors, which increases the brain’s excitability.

How Much Caffeine Should an American Football Player Have

It is important to choose the most appropriate dose of caffeine for a professional player. Based on existing research, the current guidelines suggest taking between 3 and 9 mg/kg per day about an hour before the exercise. Other experts have pointed out that the dosage should depend on body weight. An athlete with good health should take about 1.4 to 2.7 mg per pound of body weight.

Why Regular Coffee Intake Could Worsen Sports Performance

Athletes and football players need to limit the amount of caffeine because too much of it can cause adverse effects. Very high doses can cause unpleasant side effects like:

If you have too much coffee, caffeinated soda, dark chocolate, or energy drinks, then your body will develop tolerance to caffeine, which means, you won’t get the benefits. So it’s best to start at a low dose. Assess your tolerance and increase the dose gradually for optimum performance.

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