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Brandon Collier launches PPI Recruits offshoot International Coaches Network

Following the overwhelming success of the international recruiting agency PPI Recruits, Brandon Collier has announced the launch of the International Coaches Network

The International Coaches Network was founded by Collier and brought in entrepreneur and former college athlete Susan Miller as COO; and NFL consultant and former D1 coach Mike Daniels as Executive Advisor. The initiative aims to provide international coaches with a resume builder and experience at the highest level of the coaching game.

PPI Recruits has been Collier’s shining achievement in international scouting and recruitment over the last six years. He has successfully placed countless young international athletes at every level of the collegiate game in the US through his Dreamchasers Tour. This success was finally validated earlier this year when he was named the fifth most influential Black figure in college football by Sports Illustrated, just four spots away from Deion Sanders.

Brandon Collier and Penn State HC James Franklin.

The International Coaches Network is now the next step in Collier’s efforts to connect the US with the rest of the football world. Collier describes his vision:

‘It’s effectively the same vision and format as PPI. After we placed so many kids at colleges, coaches started to reach out and say we want this too. So now we’re trying to provide that opportunity and find the next Aden Durde (British coach in the NFL).’

Where PPI Recruits takes young athletes on a road trip to multiple colleges in the hope of earning a scholarship, the International Coaches Network instead promises coaches two internships at D1 schools. During this time, the international coaches will attend all meetings, practices, strength and conditioning sessions, have one-to-ones with positional coaches, and shadow-coach for one game.

Brandon Collier with Temple HC Stan Drayton and PPI COO Susan Miller.

The International Coaches Network’s first tour will be on the East Coast in Philadelphia with Penn State and Temple, two powerhouses in D1 football. The tour will be limited to just 10 coaches and is open to nutritionists, strength and conditioning coaches, and trainers too. COO Susan Miller says that this is an attempt to make the program more inclusive and representative of those within football.

‘There is more to football than just technical skills. There are huge support and development professionals behind the teams, and all around the world we’re starting to see a bigger emphasis on strength and conditioning and nutrition. There are women who are already dominating this field as well as coaching, so we want to see women from all football professions joining the tour.’

The first tour will take place between November 14–19 and will cost individual coaches $2,500, all inclusive. For more information on the International Coaches Network and to apply, click here.

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