Around the Continent: Champions Edition

Two More Championships Coming Up.
[su_dropcap]T[/su_dropcap]major European championships may have been decided, but there is plenty of football still going on throughout Europe. And look for reports from Spain and France as the Cup tournaments are about to start.
Check out our list of national championships with championship photos here. Tell us if we missed any. And send in photos.
In the Ukraine, the Kiev Bandits are looking to finish the season undefeated as they face the Kharkov Atlantes in the Ukraine championship game this Sunday, November 2.
In Hungary, the Budapest Wolves stunned the Budapest Hurricanes 42-41 to advance to the Hungarian championship November 15.
The German championship – German Bowl XXXVI – was an exciting game – for one quarter – but after that, the defending champion Braunschweig New Yorker Lions, methodically dismantled the Schwäbisch Hall Unicorns, overwhelming them 47-9 at L.-Jahn-Sportpark Stadium in Berlin. A crowd of almost 13,000 looked on, along with a European wide television audience, to witness the efficiency and power of the Lions.
In Denmark, the Copenhagen Towers defended their title by beating the Aarhus Tigers 26-9. This was Towers long-time quarterback JR Artozqui’s final game so it was fitting he was named Mermaid Bowl MVP.
These were the last two major championships of 2014 although both Hungary and the Ukraine are still playing and we will try to keep track of the games there as well as we can. Also, the Balkan League with teams from Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia kicks off in October. We will do our utmost to cover those as well.